Top Ten Scary Sex Toys

- Top Ten Scary Sex Toys
- The craziest sex toys at

Halloween: The Sex Toys Nightmares Are Made Of
With Halloween approaching, it’s time to talk about the world’s scariest sex toys. carries pretty much anything you can think of that you would be embarrassed to buy in person, so it is only natural that we carry some pretty weird sex toys. Behold, the sex toys nightmares are made of: -
Aneros Prostate Butt Plug
It’s the truth: no man wants you to put things in his butt. Unless you promise to never, ever tell his friends about it.
Advanced Clit Pump
The idea of applying intense suction to a teeny tiny spot that houses 8,000 nerve endings: scarier than the clown in Steven King’s It. Plus, what if you pump your poor clit too much and it ends up being bigger than your boyfriend’s penis? Buzzkill.
- Hot Snatch
If your pocket pussy isn’t warm and lifelike enough, maybe you should try a real, live vagina. Just a thought. Can you imagine if you had roommates and you accidentally left your Hot Snatch in the microwave?
- The Governor
The Governor is a stainless steel butt plug that weighs eight pounds. It is eight inches long and almost FOUR INCHES WIDE. It’s supposed to be a replica of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s fist as he sinks into metal in Terminator 2. Talk about getting screwed by the man.
Football Stroker
What’s scarier than losing your husband’s heart and soul to football season? Losing his penis too.
If there’s a single person in this world you trust enough to allow to bang you with the dildo strapped to their foot ... yeah, you still shouldn’t let them do it.
Glow In the Dark Personal Lubricant
We can’t tell if the packaging on this lubricant is a big joke or not. Non-toxic? Natural? What, is it made of lightning bugs? Glow-in-the-Dark personal lubricant seems like the first step on the path to a mutant-strain vaginal infection.
Anal Tightening Gel
It’s pretty scary to think about the kind of anus that needs tightening. If it needs tightening, things are probably falling out of it. And when I say things, I mean poop.
Inflatable Butt Plug
Who knows when you might need to, you know, expand your rectum. If you’re planning on dressing up as a drug mule for Halloween, the Swell Guy is a wonderful way to prepare.
The Great American Challenge
Let’s imagine you hear the words “Great American Challenge” without knowing the context. What would you think of? A hot dog eating contest? A show like “Survivor,” where contestants are pitted against each other in a battle of the fittest? Or maybe, like the makers of this vibrating dong, you imagine the biggest dildo ever constructed. Congratulations, there’s something wrong with you. is the World’s Most Private Store. We sell items that people would rather shop in private for. Our delivery is completely discreet and after the sale we hold our customers information in the strictest confidence. We never send catalogs, we have no newsletters, and we never need to ask for a reorder. Maintaining your privacy while we sell personal products is our specialty. PriveCo Inc. is based in Troy, Michigan. Call us at 1-800-809-0610 Monday-Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM.