Getting Rid of Intestinal Gas
- How to mask the odor of smelly farts
- How to stop gas from starting
Unhealthy, processed foods are harder for your stomach to break down. The preservatives and chemicals keeping your snack cakes edible for twenty years can be pretty hard on your stomach. Carbonation in sodas causes bubbles in your stomach too.
You can also try masking the odor of your gas with a pill or underwear insert. Charcoal tablets naturally absorb the toxins that cause gas, rendering your gas close to odorless. Some people swear by them. Another unique product that absorbs the smell of gas is the Subtle Butt Fart Filter. The filter sticks inside of your underwear and absorbs the smell of stinky gas.
Changing what you eat and drink can help prevent gas symptoms. You could try cutting out some of the following foods:
- Beans
- Vegetables susch as broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts, onions, artichokes and asparagus
- Fruits like pears, apples and peaches
- Certain whole grains like wheat and bran
- Soft drinks and fruit drinks
- Milk and milk products
- Sugarfree candies, gums and sodas
Try cutting out one food at a time to see what causes you the most gas. Some people are allergic to dairy or lactose intolerant. If you find that milk is your problem, you don't have to completely give up milk products. Lactose-free milk is available, and supplements like Lactaid and Beano help you digest natural foods that cause gas, such as beans, fruits and vegetables.
If your gas is still troubling you, try keeping a food diary. Write down the foods (and the amounts) that seem to cause you the most problems. Also keep track of the number of times you pass gas. You may be surprised to find that it is within the 14 to 23 times a day that is considered normal.
If smelly gas persists, you may want to see your doctor. Take your diary with you to help you answer the doctor's questions about eating habits and symptoms.