How to Please Her in Bed

- How to communicate with your partner about sexual needs
- How to please your her sexually
I Have No Idea How to Please Her Sexually. What Should I Do?
Are you having a hard time pleasing your partner sexually? Understanding what your partner wants in bed can be difficult, especially if she is shy or sexually reserved. While some women know what they want out of a sexual experience up front, some don't give you the slightest hint as to what would please them. The best course of action to take when you can't figure out what she wants in bed? Ask. Pick a time when both of you are relaxed and happy. Explain to your partner that you want to make her feel amazing. You could pose a question like, "I read in Men's Health that women really enjoy oral sex. What do you think about it?" Hopefully she'll be receptive to this kind of conversation and give you hints as to what she likes.
If she's open to looking through a book or watching a sexy movie, you could have her point out positions or acts that turn her on. You could also play a sexy game to find out more about her desires. Remember to be open to what she likes, whatever it is. Don't interject with what you like or prefer. Focus on her, and you'll reap lots of rewards later.
If a neutral conversation doesn't get results, try other ways of communicating. During foreplay, check in. Ask if certain touches feel better than others. Try simple questions that require yes or no answers to start. If she says something feels good, stay with it. During sex, let her be on top to control the action. You may be able to tell from the way she moves what stimulation she enjoys.
If you're not sure if your female lover is orgasming, ask! If you find out she isn't, don't be crushed. Women need lots of stimulation to orgasm, and usually need to feel completely relaxed to do so. If she isn't sure what she likes, experiment together. Try relaxing massage, oral sex, enhancement creams, clitoral stimulation during sex, and sex toys. Ask her how she masturbates and if you can help. Be open, but don't be pushy. You can explore together and have lots of fun doing so.