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Furry Handcuffs Are Always Fun SALE

Furry Handcuffs Are Always Fun

$7.99 $11.99 You save 33%
SKU: 63583
Availability: 87 in stock
Item Description
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Behold, the Ouch Beginner's Furry Handcuffs Black – because when it comes to restraint, why settle for the mundane when you can add a touch of fur to your playtime escapades? These furry handcuffs are not just restraints; they're a whimsical journey into a world where pleasure meets playfulness.

Product Features:
- Naughty metal and furry combination – because why should pleasure be the only one having fun?
- Locking mechanism with a quick-release button – for those moments when you realize you're not the Houdini you thought you were
- Measures 4.25 in. by 4.09 in. – because size does matter, especially when it comes to cuffs

Let's talk about the combination of naughty metal and fur – it's not just any combination; it's like the ultimate odd couple of the pleasure world. Metal brings the restraint, while fur brings the whimsy. It's a partnership that's as classic as peanut butter and jelly, ensuring your playtime is not just exciting but also delightfully fuzzy.

Now, the locking mechanism with a quick-release button – a feature that adds a touch of levity to the art of restraint. It's like having a backstage pass to your own kinky circus, with a button that says, "Hey, let's wrap up the show – or not." Because who said pleasure can't have its own plot twists?

Measuring at 4.25 in. by 4.09 in., these Furry Handcuffs are not just cuffs; they're a compact pleasure act ready to take center stage in your intimate play. They're the perfect size to bring just the right amount of restraint without feeling like you're in a medieval dungeon. It's a measurement that screams, "Just enough to have fun; not too much to call for the jaws of life."

So, whether you're a beginner in the art of restraints or a seasoned pro looking for a touch of whimsy, the Ouch Beginner's Furry Handcuffs Black are here to add a furry accessory to your pleasure-filled escapades!

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Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Pretty decent

For the prize they're a steal but mind you the cuffs themselves aren't fuzzy it has a sleeve of colored softness, they come with a key and if that is lost there is a little ledge if you look for it who would free the partner. I do recommend but i wish the sleeve would stay still instead of slipping 'n sliding (wink wonk), I will be purchasing another pair

Cute and Cheap

Cute and cheap.

These work. They don\'t fee

These work. They don\'t feel as silky and soft as I\'d like, but they secure my 6\'2 240 lb boyfriend, so that means they definitely work! I usually give him amazing head when he\'s chained up, but sometimes I just can\'t help but tickle torture him.

Whether you want to say \'f

Whether you want to say \'furry\' or \'carpeted\' is up to you .... but they work

Quick Private

Site review: Always quick, always private. I like shopping here.

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